Chxo Websites

We build websites. It's how we started, and what we know best.

We're happy to build anything. Literally anything, from one-page mini sites to complex internet applications that combine databases, maps, email, sms, telephony, audio streaming, video streaming, rss feeds, surveys, shopping carts, fulfillment workflows, pivot tables, reporting engines, xmlrpc, soap calls, sensors, motors, and other hardware. We love a challenge.

We have a few different ways of working with you on your next website project:

  1. Bootstrap
    We work with you to create a new site using Squarespace. We document the configuration and creation of your website, make sure you know how to manage it going forward, and ensure that it is successfully tested and launched. After that, we provide friendly support whenever you need it.
  2. Standard
    We work with you and the designer of your choice, or use an existing design, and build a new custom site on Meditation CMS that is tailored just for you. We host the site, manage your domain(s), and provide training and friendly support whenever you need it.
  3. Bespoke
    We work closely with your staff, a talented graphic designer, and an efficient project manager to plan, design, build, test, and deploy anything you want. We host the site, manage your domain(s), and provide training and friendly support whenever you need it.

We take on a limited number of web projects each year, so that we can give each one the attention it deserves. We tend to work with non-profits, but we're open to working with socially-responsible businesses as well.

If you think you might be interested in working with us in the next year, please start an application so we can begin thinking about your project.