Chxo Friendly Support

We like working with you, showing you how our products work and helping you solve your problems, but we're also busy with our own projects, our families, and our lives. We created Friendly Support to help strike a balance where you get top-notch assistance within a reasonable time, and we aren't strapped to our laptops 24x7.

We provide a reasonable expectation of service:

  • Best-effort response to emergencies, like your site going offline or the discovery of a major security issue. Best effort means as soon as we know about the issue, we will respond.
  • Next office hours response to other issues. This means that next time we're in the "office" (even if we're halfway around the world), we will respond.

If our response doesn't contain a resolution for the issue, or an answer to your question, it will say when you can expect one.

Our number one support goal is to empower you. If we think you can fix an issue yourself, we tell you how to do it. We update your documentation based on the questions you ask, and the problems you run into. If we learn that you're having a hard time doing something, we'll try to create a better way to do it.

We don't sweat the small stuff:

  • We answer questions for free.
  • Small fixes or tweaks that take less that 10 minutes are free.
  • Small projects, up to 1 hour, can be added to a general support tab for later billing.

And we don't charge you for our mistakes:

  • Most bug fixes are free.
  • Security fixes are free.
  • If a CMS update breaks something in your site, the fix is free. (Meditation CMS only.)

Finally, we don't bombard you with announcements and special offers: that isn't support. If you need help, or there's something we need to tell you, we're there. Otherwise, we're in the background, getting things done.